
Stations of the Cross on the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, Israel | Saint George's College 2021 Chemin de croix sur la Via Dolorosa à Jérusalem, Israël | Collège Saint George 2021

2021-04-03 6 Dailymotion

The Stations of the Cross are led by the Very Reverend Canon Donald D. Binder, PhD, the Archbishop’s Chaplain; Mrs. Christine Binder; Mrs. JulieAnn Sewell; Very Reverend Richard Sewell, Dean of Saint George’s College; and Salime.

The Via Dolorosa ויה דולורוזה; طريق الآلام‎) is the path consisting of segments of several streets in the Old City of Jerusalem, believed to be the path that Jesus walked on the way to His crucifixion. The winding route from the former Roman fortress, Antonia, to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, is a distance of about 2000 feet. At present, the path is marked by 9 Stations of the Cross. The remaining 5 stations are located within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and photos of those places within the Church are included here.

A service inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was underway while the Stations of the Cross (10th through the 14th stations) were being conducted and recorded on the outside of the Church.

Twenty-eight prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Christ on the day of His death:

Genesis 3:15
Daniel 9:26
Psalm 41:9
Zechariah 13:7
Zechariah 11:12
Zechariah 11:13
Isaiah 53:7
Isaiah 50:6
Isaiah 52:14
Psalm 22:17
Psalm 69:9, 19-20
Psalm 35:11
Isaiah 53:7
Isaiah 53:4-6, 10-11
Isaiah 53:12
Psalm 22:16
Psalm 22:18
Psalm 69:21
Psalm 22:17
Psalm 38:11
Psalm 109:25
Psalm 22:8
Isaiah 53:12
Psalm 22:1
Zechariah 12:10
Psalm 31:5
Psalm 22:31
Psalm 34:20

“By oppression and judgment He was taken away; and with His generation who did consider that He was cut off out of the land of the living; for the transgression of My people He was stricken? And He made His grave with the wicked, and with the rich in His death; although He had done no violence, nor was any deceit in His mouth” (Isaiah 53:8-9)

Saint George's College, Jerusalem, is on the grounds of the Cathedral Church of Saint George the Martyr.

11th station photo is by Юкатан,
12th station photo is by Иерей Максим Массалитин
13th station photo is by Oleg Moro
14th station photo is by Zairon

La Via Dolorosa ויה דולורוזה; طريق الآلام) est le chemin composé de segments de plusieurs rues de la vieille ville de Jérusalem, considéré comme le chemin que Jésus a parcouru sur le chemin de sa crucifixion. La route sinueuse de l'ancienne forteresse romaine, Antonia à l'église du Saint-Sépulcre est une distance d'environ 2000 pieds. Actuellement, le chemin est balisé par 9 Stations de la Croix. Les 5 stations restantes sont situées dans l'église du Saint-Sépulcre et des photos de ces endroits dans l'église sont incluses ici.

Un service à l'intérieur de l'église du Saint-Sépulcre était en cours pendant que les stations du chemin de croix (10e à 14e stations) étaient conduites et enregistrées à l'extérieur de l'église.

Vingt-huit prophéties ont été accomplies par Jésus-Christ le jour de sa mort.